برنامج Packet Tracer

What is Cisco Packet Tracer ?

Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulator that can be utilized in training for CCNATM and CCNP TM certification exam by allowing students to create networks with an almost unlimited number of devices and to experience troubleshooting without having to buy real CiscoTM routers or switches.

برنامج Packet Tracer v6.1.1


يتيح لك البرنامج إمكانية عمل شبكات داخليه قبل الشروع بالمشروع وتطبيق ما تم التخطيط له لتفعيله في ارض الواقع


برنامج Packet Tracer النسخة رقم 6.1.1 لنظام التشغيل Windows الخاصة للطلاب بإمكانك تحميل النسخة عبر الروابط التالية ادناه

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Packet Tracer

An innovative network configuration simulation tool free for Networking Academy students.




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برامج لتشغيل برامج وتطبيقات Windows في Mac

برامج لتشغيل برامج وتطبيقات Windows في Mac

برنامج CrossOver لتشغيل برامج Windows في Mac

برنامج لتشغيل برامج “Windows” في ال “Mac


في السابق من كان يستخدم نظام تشغيل ما، لا يستطيع استخدام نظام آخر إلا بجهاز آخر. ولكن مع التطور في عالم البرمجيات الكبير، اصبح بإمكان المستخدم تسطيب عده أنظمة في جهاز واحد عبر برامج “virtual machine” او النظام الوهمي او الظاهري، ومن الأمثلة على هذه البرامج:


أو بعمل تقسيم للقرص الصلب “Hard Disk solid” ليتمكن المستخدم من تسطيب النظام الآخر عليه او عن طريق استخدام “bootcamp” في اجهزة “الماك” بإمكان المستخدم العمل بنظام التشغيل “وندوز”. ومن جهة أخرى فعالم البرمجيات واسع حيث تم التوصل إلى تشغيل البرامج الخاصة التي تعمل في أنظمة تشغيل واحدة إلى تشغيلها بالأخرى بواسطة برامج خاصة تتيح لك المجال لتشغيل البرامج دون الحاجة إلى تسطيب أنظمة تشغيل عالية الكلفة. فبإمكانك اليوم استخدام البرامج ادناه لتتمكن من العمل على البرامج التي ترغب بها ولا تتوفر في انظمة تشغيل أخرى. المثال التالي يعمل على نظام “الماك” لشتغيل برامج “وندوز”، باستخدام هذه البرامج ستوفر المال والجهد والوقت والمساحة لجهازك واستخدامك. 


سيتم شرح تنزيل احد البرامج التي تم ذكرها سلفا في تدوينة اخرى.بإمكانك تحميل البرامج من الموقع الرسمي بالضغط على من الروابط بالأعلى 


بإمكانك تحميل احد تلك البرامج من الرابط التالية كل برنامج على حدة: 

برنامج CrossOver

برنامج PlayOnMac

برنامج WinHQ 



وأما بالنسبة لبرنامج WinOnX فإنه متوفر في App Store الخاص ب”الماك” ب 4.99$ دولار 

برنامج Packet Tracer v6.1.1

برنامج Packet Tracer v6.1.1

يتيح لك البرنامج إمكانية عمل شبكات داخليه قبل الشروع بالمشروع وتطبيق ما تم التخطيط له لتفعيله في ارض الواقع
برنامج Packet Tracer النسخة رقم 6.1.1 لنظام التشغيل Windows الخاصة للطلاب بإمكانك تحميل النسخة عبر الروابط التالية ادناه
مع الدروس الإضافية
برنامج packet tracer cisco برامج الشبكات

Take A screenshot of your screen

Take A screenshot of your screen

Take A screenshot of your screen

Take A screenshot of your screen



How to take a screenshot on a Mac

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 3 = Your Mac captures the entire screen and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like“Screen shot 2015-03-08 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

How do I take a partial screenshot?

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 4 = Use your mouse to draw a rectangle in order to specify what to capture – or press the spacebar and then click on something (e.g. awindow) to capture it. Your Mac then saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like“Screen shot 2015-03-08 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

I don’t need a file. How can I have a screenshot in the clipboard instead?

hold down control together with any of the combinations above = Your Mac takes a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard (instead of saving it as a file).

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down command ⌘ and press V = Your Mac pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Can you show me in a video?

I don’t like keyboard shortcuts. How can I take a screenshot using Preview?

How can I have my screenshots in other file formats than PNG?

With Preview (see previous question) you can save your screenshots in JPG, TIFF, PDF, and other file formats.

I need even more flexibility. How can I take screenshots using the command line (“Terminal”)?

  • try help: man screencapture
  • use delays: screencapture -T 10 ~/Desktop/screenshot.png



tab content 2

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScn = Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I take a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = Windows captures only the currently active window and copies it to theclipboard.

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down Ctrl and press V = Windows pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Where should I paste it? I just need a (graphics) file.

  1. Start “Paint”
  2. Paste
  3. Save

Can you show me in a video?

Is there a dedicated program for taking screenshots? How can I find?


tab content 3

How do I take a screenshot on my iPad, iPhone or iPod touch?

press at onceHomeandSleep/Wake=The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entire screen and saves it as a photo.

Where do I find my screenshots?

in thePhotosapp

I see no flash and no screenshots. It does not work. Why?

You need firmware 2.0 or later.

How do I take a screenshot on my Android device (e.g. smartphone or tablet)?

hold down at once Volume Down and Power for 1–2 seconds = The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entirescreen and saves it as a photo.

Where do I find my screenshots?

Look for a Screenshots folder in your Gallery or Photos app.

I see no flash and no screenshots. Is there something else I could try?

hold down at once Home and Power for 1–2 seconds = The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entirescreen and saves it as a photo.

It still does not work. Why?

On most devices you need Android 4.0 or later. However, you could try using an app instead.

Link to this tab

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScr = KDE captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I take a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = KDE captures the currently active window and copies it to the clipboard.

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down Ctrl and press V = KDE pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Where should I paste it? I just need a (graphics) file.

  1. Click on the desktop
  2. Paste

Is there a dedicated program for taking screenshots? How can I start it?

hold down Alt and press F2 then type “ksnapshot”

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScr = GNOME captures the entire screen and asks you where to save it as a file.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I make a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = GNOME captures the currently active window and asks you where to save it as afile.

I need more flexibility. How can I take screenshots using the command line?

try this: gnome-screenshot --help

How do I take a screen shot of a web page?

Awesome Screenshot is an extension for several browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

How can I test how a web page looks on different browsers?

Browsershots captures a web page with lots of browsers.

I tried “Browsershots” but don’t see any results. Why?

It takes some time. Reload the page after some minutes to get results. Reload after some more minutes to get more results.


كيف تصور شاشة جهازك

Take A screenshot of your screen

كيف تصور شاشة جهازك

كيفية تصوير شاشة جهازك

Take A screenshot of your screen

كيف تصور شاشة جهازك



How to take a screenshot on a Mac

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 3 = Your Mac captures the entire screen and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like“Screen shot 2015-03-08 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

How do I take a partial screenshot?

hold down command ⌘ and shift and press 4 = Use your mouse to draw a rectangle in order to specify what to capture – or press the spacebar and then click on something (e.g. awindow) to capture it. Your Mac then saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like“Screen shot 2015-03-08 at 08.45.00 AM.png”.

I don’t need a file. How can I have a screenshot in the clipboard instead?

hold down control together with any of the combinations above = Your Mac takes a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard (instead of saving it as a file).

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down command ⌘ and press V = Your Mac pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Can you show me in a video?

I don’t like keyboard shortcuts. How can I take a screenshot using Preview?

How can I have my screenshots in other file formats than PNG?

With Preview (see previous question) you can save your screenshots in JPG, TIFF, PDF, and other file formats.

I need even more flexibility. How can I take screenshots using the command line (“Terminal”)?

  • try help: man screencapture
  • use delays: screencapture -T 10 ~/Desktop/screenshot.png



tab content 2

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScn = Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I take a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = Windows captures only the currently active window and copies it to theclipboard.

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down Ctrl and press V = Windows pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Where should I paste it? I just need a (graphics) file.

  1. Start “Paint”
  2. Paste
  3. Save

Can you show me in a video?

Is there a dedicated program for taking screenshots? How can I find?


tab content 3

How do I take a screenshot on my iPad, iPhone or iPod touch?

press at onceHomeandSleep/Wake=The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entire screen and saves it as a photo.

Where do I find my screenshots?

in thePhotosapp

I see no flash and no screenshots. It does not work. Why?

You need firmware 2.0 or later.

How do I take a screenshot on my Android device (e.g. smartphone or tablet)?

hold down at once Volume Down and Power for 1–2 seconds = The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entirescreen and saves it as a photo.

Where do I find my screenshots?

Look for a Screenshots folder in your Gallery or Photos app.

I see no flash and no screenshots. Is there something else I could try?

hold down at once Home and Power for 1–2 seconds = The screen flashes white. Your device captures the entirescreen and saves it as a photo.

It still does not work. Why?

On most devices you need Android 4.0 or later. However, you could try using an app instead.

Link to this tab

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScr = KDE captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I take a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = KDE captures the currently active window and copies it to the clipboard.

I guess it’s in the clipboard now. How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down Ctrl and press V = KDE pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Where should I paste it? I just need a (graphics) file.

  1. Click on the desktop
  2. Paste

Is there a dedicated program for taking screenshots? How can I start it?

hold down Alt and press F2 then type “ksnapshot”

How do I take a screenshot?

press PrtScr = GNOME captures the entire screen and asks you where to save it as a file.

Where can I find that key?

PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause Look for this group of keys at the upper right of your keyboard. Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.

How do I make a screenshot of a single window?

hold down Alt and press PrtScr = GNOME captures the currently active window and asks you where to save it as afile.

I need more flexibility. How can I take screenshots using the command line?

try this: gnome-screenshot --help

How do I take a screen shot of a web page?

Awesome Screenshot is an extension for several browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

How can I test how a web page looks on different browsers?

Browsershots captures a web page with lots of browsers.

I tried “Browsershots” but don’t see any results. Why?

It takes some time. Reload the page after some minutes to get results. Reload after some more minutes to get more results.


كيف تصور شاشة جهازك